Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Palin PAC fundraising craters (Politico)

Sarah Palin?s political action committee raised $756,000 in the second half of last year ? a steep drop off from the first half, when she as flirting with a presidential bid.

Palin?s relatively meager second half haul came despite heavy spending on fundraising and a bus tour that fanned speculation she might seek the GOP presidential nomination.

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In all, Sarah PAC spent a total $1.2 million, leaving it with about $1 million in the bank, according to a report filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission.

Much of the spending went towards a robust direct mail program that cost about $275,000 and was supplemented by an Internet fundraising operation that cost at least $51,000. The bus tour, which took Palin through early primary states including Iowa and New Hampshire, cost at least $79,000, including hotel stays, driver fees and gas.

Palin announced that she was not going to run in early October and, for a while at least, she receded from the political spotlight. She?s recently come to Newt Gingrich?s defense, and her PAC?s report shows that it still maintains a political operation that could allow her to be a force in the presidential or congressional races.

Sarah PAC spent about $400,000 on the consultants who form the core of her small, but devoted staff. New addition Peter Schweizer, who was hired as a foreign policy advisor to replace John McCain holdover Randy Scheunemann, was paid $60,000 in the second six months of the year. Other core Palin staffers include chief of staff Michael Glassner (who was paid $62,000), speechwriter and Palin Internet defender Rebecca Mansour ($48,000), fundraising consultant Tim Crawford ( $93,000), researcher Andrew Davis ($45,000), and conservative coalitions liaison Pam Pryor ($36,000).

While Palin was in Iowa in August during the bus tour, her PAC footed the bill for one of a pair of $600 meals at Des Moines? 801 Chop House, a pricey steakhouse that is a gathering place for political insiders.

Around the same time, the PAC also contributed $5,000 ? its only contribution of the period ?to the Iowa Republican Party, which puts on the Ames Straw Poll, which is held at a fair at which Palin appeared. In October, the PAC spent $2,000 on ?Constitutions? from Washington?s National Archives.


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