Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lunch Date ? The Raptor's Claw

?Get down here, were going to be late!?

?Coming papa, fixing my hair.?

Ambika smiled.? ?She sounds awfully excited about going to work this morning.?

?I?d wager that?s more to do that she and Sharr are going to lunch this afternoon.?? Nodded Turhan gathering together his own lunch, mustamakkara sausages and lingonberry jam.? His wife despised them but they were one of Turhan?s favorites.

The clomp, clomp, clomp of heavy female shoes?signaled?that at last Nadia was descending from her room.

?Finally.? closing the refrigerator door Turhan turned, look at his daughter just entering the kitchen.

?No.? That skirt is much too short.? ?Dr. Sen insisted ?Go change.? looking at the pinstriped skirt Nadia wore with disapproval which reached way above ?her knees, never mind the revealing slit at her right hip.


Turhan groaned, yet?didn?t?offer his own opinion about Nadia?s attire.

Mirrored-glass slanted at a hard right angle, the art piece glistened with beads of water that spurted upward and then cascaded over its smooth surface falling back into a fountain pool.? Sharr thought it perfectly atrocious, likely really expensive.? Pretentious modern art was not his thing.? He waited for his girlfriend at the center of GenKon?s lobby contemplating his reflection in the shiny piece of art, arms crossed over his chest.

Behind Sharr she came up, nuzzled him put her arms up under his angled Falcanian styled trench coat.? They kissed.

?Err you?re grumpy!? Nadia sensed.

Before responding Sharr took a moment to admire his girlfriend?s attire: Short pinstriped skirt, slit up the right revealing a suggestion of tan thigh, brown hair pulled up and pinned back crowning her head and thick strappy heels.? Of course Nadia wasn?t without her black rimmed glasses, the pools that were her almond blue eyes stared into his soul as she pouted at him.

?Maybe a little, yes.? dryly admitted the Phoenix Project leader.

Arching a brow Nadia said: ?Then I take it you quit.? This was good news, at least for her.? Aria wouldn?t be around to rub salt in Sharr?s wounds. ?Hopefully that would in time make him a happy man.

?Yes? Sharr cleared his throat. ??Very little point working a job that I hate. ?Given my recent luck why bother?? he put his arm around her waist.? ?ThunderHawk Enterprises is a go!?

His monetary gain had done little to brighten Sharr?s mood. ?The source of that income appeared to Nadia to cause some resentment in her boyfriend who suddenly found himself rather well off.? ?Think of it like this, you?ll get to do all those things you want thanks to that trust fund from your father.? She leaned against her boyfriend.? ?At least he made provisions for you.?

?Yet I feel like I?ve made a deal with the devil.?

?I was right you are grumpy.? Nadia patted his cheek.? ?You?ve given a chunk of that cash to Vance to let him set up his own lab that?s a good thing.?

?I did.? He deserves it.? Things were indeed inverted, Nadia and Vance Turner in agreement about something.

?My point is, now you?re on the road you want to be, we all are.? Your father can be damned for all his absence.? Nadia hoped to place this windfall into perspective for him.

Taking her chin Sharr said: ?Odd timing that cheque, that letter.? It talks about you and your parents.?

Having read it herself Nadia was more than aware of the letters contents.? True it was strange her family should have been mentioned and as curious an event as it was there was no way to follow-up on where either the cheque or letter had originated.

?It?s very weird, can?t help but think I?m being manipulated.? Sharr?s instincts were working over time regarding this matter.? ?Something just isn?t right.?

?You?re being paranoid ??

?Sorry to interrupt.? Oberon Kreis stepped out of the shadow of the piece of glass artwork that dominated GenKon?s lobby.? ?This must be the man who?s stolen our young Dr. Korelia?s heart.?

Nadia turned and said: ?Oberon I?d like you to meet Roderik Visal.? Leaning her head on Sharr?s arm Nadia told him.? ?Oberon Kreis is Chief of Security here at GenKon.?

Sharr offered his hand, said: ?Nice to meet you Oberon.? He examined the dueling scar that stood out on Kreis?s left cheek it was he knew a mark of a German aristocrat.

?Und great to at last meet you Roderik,? Kreis smiled his wolfish grin taking his brother?s hand.? ?I?ve heard so much about you.? He winked.? ?Nadia can?t stop telling her lab partners how wonderful her boyfriend is.?

?Oh.? That was news Sharr had no idea his girlfriend talked him up so much.? ?Usually I hear about all the wonderful things she and her lab are developing, I suspect though Nadia?s not telling me half the good stuff, corporate secrets and all.?

?Our little corporate secret Dr. Nadia Korelia, we expect great things to come from her rather? unique mind.? Undoubtly the Korelias had shared Nadia?s eugenic nature with this man.? ?A special girl to be sure.? He tossed back his head, let out a belly laugh. ?Treat her well.?

?We?ve got to go see my parents before lunch.? Nadia tugged on her boyfriend.

?Enjoy your meal.? Oberon gave them a respectful military type bow snapped his heels with a clack that echoed in the marble lobby.? All part of the carriage of an expert fencer.

Watching the Security Chief walk away Sharr said: ?Interesting fellow.?

Nadia shrugged glad Kreis was at last gone.? ?So are we taking your car to lunch or mine?? she much preferred to take her own.

Putting his arms on her shoulders waiting for the elevator that would lead to the downstairs lab where Nadia?s parents worked Sharr said: ?We can go in the Hummer, but I don?t think you want the driver hanging around for the after meal activities.? He smiled patting her bottom.

?Does that mean you?re not going to flip out if I drive?? Nadia teased.

?Sure, just don?t act like we?re on the autobahn.? Sharr kissed her cheek.

?But speed is fun!? Nadia purred. ?It?s so funny; you own a car but don?t have a clue how to drive it.? They got into the elevator.

?Hasn?t Oswald recounted for you how he tried to teach me??

?Yeah, I here it didn?t go well.? We can go in the Maserati, I promise to behave.?


This falls under things I write, just?because??I need to know about my?characters? , though I did use the second part at GenKon INC. as part of a flashback in the second?installment as the meeting between Sharr and Oberon is sort of ironic and a ?close call?.?

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