Thursday, August 30, 2012

Opening our anthropological conversations: An Interview with Tom ...

I had the chance to conduct an email-based interview with Tom Boellstorff during this past month to explore some of his views about Open Access (hereafter OA) publishing in anthropology.

Ryan Anderson: First of all, thanks for taking the time to do this interview, Tom. Here at Savage Minds we write about Open Access (OA) a lot, and many of our contributors seem to be in agreement about the need to look into alternative publishing options. But not everyone knows about OA or is in agreement with the push to head in that direction, and this includes many people who are well established in anthropology. So, what?s your opinion about OA? Is this an issue that should matter for anthropologists who are already successful within the current publishing regime, for example?

Tom Boellstorff: I think there?s an urgent need to build on the advocacy work a number of people have been doing within and outside the AAA to reach the goal of ?gold? OA (meaning that articles are freely available to download online). In my September 2012 ?From the Editor? piece in American Anthropologist I try to set out my current thinking in regard to this issue. If I can quote from that piece:

There are three primary reasons why this transition to gold open access is imperative, reasons that are simultaneously ethical, political, and intellectual. First, there is a fundamental contradiction between the often-repeated goal of making anthropology more public and relevant on the one hand, and the lack of open access on the other hand. Second, there is an incompatibility between the broad interest in transnationalizing anthropology and the lack of open access. Third, it is wrong for any academic journal to be based on a model where the unremunerated labor of scholars supports corporate profits. I see no way that the current subscription-based model can be modified so as to adequately address these concerns.

In terms of people not being in agreement to head in that direction, which as you say ?includes many people who are well established in anthropology,? I think we need to reach out and work with those folks. The reality is that running a journal well takes money, particularly a larger journal, and I don?t think we want a future where publishing relies on unpaid graduate student labor, farmed-out copy editing, and so on. For me, the issue is that (1) regardless, we need to find a way toward gold OA, and (2) I just refuse to believe that so many smart people can?t find a way to do it.

It may take sacrifice. For instance, I?m not one of those people who hates the AAA meetings. I love them and I think you need to understand the genre. It?s not a small conference where you get to have a focused discussion, but a space of excess where you get to sample cool emerging work, network, meet friends old and new, check out the book exhibit, etc. But what if (and this is just a thought experiment; I haven?t run the numbers) we held the AAAs only every other year, and used that savings to make all AAA journals gold OA? That would be a real sacrifice for me, but it?s one I personally would support. Then in the ?off? years, every other year when there wasn?t a AAA meeting, we could schedule all of the section meetings like the AES meetings and the SCA meetings. They would probably get higher attendance that way, so it might benefit the sections too. Once again: I?m not saying this is a solution, because I haven?t run the numbers. What I?m saying is that it might be that kind of real change, real sacrifice, that would be needed to make gold OA financially viable, and I would argue strongly in favor of this particular sacrifice.

We need to have a lot of brainstorming to think about other possible models. What has been less helpful I think is that we?ve seen some AAA surveys and such that ask ?if you had to pay $250 more in annual fees for gold OA, would you support that?? (I can?t remember the exact phrasing; that?s just my reconstruction.) If you phrase it that way, of course lots of people will pause and say ?no.? The better way to phrase the question is: ?how much would you be willing to pay per year to have AAA journals be gold OA?? And then work backwards from there. But also ask other kinds of questions, like ?Would you support having the AAA meetings only every other year if this meant that all AAA journals could be gold OA??

RA: And here?s a related question: What about upcoming anthropologists who are just getting in on the publishing game? Should they be concerned with these debates about OA? I?m thinking especially of graduate students and new PhD?s who are under tremendous pressure to publish in order to ?make it? in anthropology. Where?s the time to even think about things like OA?

TB: You raise several really great points here, which I?ll address in reverse order.

First, a huge issue with regard to OA debates is that anthropologists are usually too busy to keep up with the debates or even think clearly about the issues. Certainly in my own case, until I became Editor-in-Chief of American Anthropologist I had no real engagement with these issues?not because I didn?t care on an abstract level, but because there was just no time. I don?t have a magic answer to this problem of no time, but it is important to try and educate ourselves and build on the great advocacy work our colleagues have done. The publishers think about these things on a more sustained basis, whereas we do it in the nooks and crannies of time we can find, but just coming together every year at the AAA meetings and saying ?we should all stay in touch about this? clearly isn?t enough.

Second, in regard to your questions about ?upcoming anthropologists who are just getting in on the publishing game.? As you know this is an issue that has been very important to me and I?ve published multiple pieces on ?how to get published? and such during my tenure as American Anthropologist editor (with more coming out this December (2012), which will be the last issue of American Anthropologist appearing under my name). As you note, for graduate students and new Ph.D.s there is ?tremendous pressure to publish in order to ?make it? in anthropology.? But I do think publishing is very important in many ways and isn?t just a game as such. Whether we end up with employment in academia, nonprofits, government, industry, or other venues (and sometimes movement between them), those who hire people have to have a way to calibrate talent and decide who to hire. This is not just a feature of a hard job market or myths of meritocracy narrowly conceived: we always have to make these decisions. Competitive journals are one way of showing that you are seen as a valuable member of your research community. Another is citation patterns: you can have work published in a major venue that isn?t cited much, and work published in venues seen as of a lower status, but that gets cited much more and shapes conversations much more, and that can be taken into account.

Another issue is that for me, publishing is a form of community-building, particularly when conducted through peer review. One reason why the editorship was so exhausting but also gratifying for me was that I spent just as long on my letters of rejection as my letters of acceptance?often they were 15?20 pages long, in many cases longer than the manuscript itself. I once had an article rejected from American Anthropologist but based on the helpful comments, got it published in another good venue (Journal for Linguistic Anthropology). So it is a process and a conversation. That?s one reason I always recommend junior scholars get a manuscript or two under review as quickly as possible after completing the dissertation or even while finishing the dissertation, because this process takes time and you want to get things going.

So graduate students and new Ph.D.s should think about publishing for sure, not just because of the job market but because you can?t just tell people ?my work is really great??if the work is not put into circulation then it can?t contribute to the conversation. It is important for graduate students and new Ph.D.s to learn as much as they can about OA issues, but we really need more senior scholars to take a leadership role because they have the job security and status to do so (even if not as much time as they wish they had!). I became Editor-in-Chief of American Anthropologist at 38 and a full Professor at 40, so I?ve moved comparatively swiftly in my career: at the ripe old age of 43 I still have trouble thinking of myself as ?senior,? but careerwise I am and that?s one reason I?m trying as best I can to keep up with these issues and contribute in any way possible.

RA: I think you make a great point about the importance of ?contributing to the conversation.? I want to go back to where you mentioned competitive journals and citation patterns as tools for evaluating the value of a member of a research community?for hiring practices and so on. That?s pretty much the dominant model from what I understand. Where do you think academic repositories?such as something like the Social Science Research Network (SSRN)?could fit into this scheme?

TB: Hmm. That?s a really great question for which I sadly don?t have an easy answer. Put yourself for a moment in the shoes of someone who is writing a recommendation letter for someone coming up for tenure. So if anyone can get their work uploaded onto the SSRN, what I can say in such a letter? I can evaluate the content of the work of course and advocate for the person on that basis. But it?s also very helpful in some cases to say ?this person has published an article in a very selective journal,? etc. Repositories like the SSRN are important to scholarly dissemination, curation, and so on, but a repository isn?t the same thing as an edited journal.

What I think sometimes gets missed in these debates is that no matter what model you use, there has to be some way to evaluate people. Sadly, it?s not a world where 100 people apply for a job as an Assistant Professor of Anthropology, and all 100 get jobs as an Assistant Professor of Anthropology. The reality is 100 people will apply for such a job, and 20 or 10 or 5 will get that kind of job. Or a staff job at a nonprofit (my first job was Regional Coordinator at the Institute for Community Health Outreach, a nonprofit based in San Francisco that trained Community Health Outreach Workers in HIV/AIDS prevention, and that was a competitive job to get). Or a job in industry, or at a museum, or whatever. No matter what the venue, there has to be a means of evaluation, and selective publication venues are one way of showing one is a leader in one?s field. Repositories are very important, but by their design they aren?t so effective in this regard.

RA: So, in your view, what is the potential role of the American Anthropological Association when it comes to OA publishing? Is the AAA amenable to OA publishing?

TB: Absolutely. First, let me note that Wiley-Blackwell, our corporate publishing partner, is quite friendly to OA in a limited sense; they have gold OA journals and a ?green OA? setup for the AAA journal portfolio that allows authors to circulate ?post-prints? of their manuscripts (the final version before it goes into production). Articles more than 35 years old are also gold OA already. So even W-B is quite open, but within the horizon of a corporate model that as I noted above, I don?t see as ultimately viable as it?s currently structured.

Now, in terms of the AAA: AAA staff and leadership in my experience have no problem with OA publishing. They are usually better educated about these issues than the membership. Here is the problem. First, AAA staff and leadership have the responsibility to keep the journals running, and that?s a big burden. The journals were in financial trouble before the move to W-B, and things have been stabilized in a budgetary sense in the wake of that move. We have to understand the pressures AAA staff and leadership face to keep the lights on so to speak, and the reality that the W-B is working very well in that regard?but once again ?working well? within the horizon of a model that I and many others do not see as either viable in the long term, or ethical in a fundamental sense.

One key issue is that sometimes AAA staff and leadership think not of anthropology writ large, but just of the AAA. I don?t mean to homogenize; this isn?t true across the board or in every instance, but it can happen. It is understandable because that is, once again, their responsibility. So when at least some of these folks think about these issues, what they are thinking about is the health and flourishing of the AAA. That is understandable, completely. That is why Bill Davis, the Executive Director of the AAA, could state to Congress on January 12, 2012 that ?We know of no research that demonstrates a problem with the existing system for making the content of scholarly journals available to those who might benefit from it.? (See my September 2012 ?From the Editor? for citations and more discussion.)

The problem here is that we need to be concerned not just about the AAA, but anthropology in the broadest sense. ?Those who might benefit? from anthropological research are emphatically not just those persons who are AAA members, or who work at institutions that can afford an Anthrosource subscription. The people we study around the world deserve access to what we write. There is no reason we need to have a discipline of anthropology in the world. It is not inevitable. I for one do not have any particular investments in something called ?anthropology? for its own sake. Like basically any academic I ask about this nowadays, my approaches are deeply interdisciplinary (after all, my first degree is in music!). But anthropology has so much to offer?we produce incredibly insightful and creative work?and the more that work circulates, the more we justify our existence and contribute positively to the world. I want anthropological work to be read and cited as widely as possible and read by the most diverse audiences possible. I?ve been very lucky in that regard in my own career, to see my work read and debated, misread and misconstrued, literally remixed and transformed and translated. We want that for everyone.

That doesn?t mean that we always have to write in a manner that is accessible to the general public?genres are a good thing, and the academic article with theoretical ?jargon? is very useful for certain purposes. We want to be able to write in multiple voices and genres, and we want all of that work to be available to the widest audiences possible. Ideally, the AAA should play a leadership role in advocating for this kind of OA future. The problem is that we are all so busy and overworked, and we have to find models that are financially realistic. I sometimes joke that I want our model to be ?less like HBO and more like CBS,? where income is based not on subscription but some other modality. Of course, we don?t have the benefit of car or soap companies wanting to advertise on our pages! This is the impasse?but also the point of opportunity?at which we currently reside: the point of seeking a path forward that meets our goals but is also realistic. If I had an easy solution to that impasse I would certainly share it with you! But I continue to be optimistic that a path forward can be found, if we all work together and build on our incredible reservoir of talent.

RA: Last question. I want to conclude by talking about the future of publishing and communication in anthropology. Imagine how things are going to look 20 years down the road. Ideally, what would you like to see happen with OA, the AAA, and publishing in the discipline of anthropology? What kinds of things need to happen to make this a reality?

TB: Oh my! I?m not good at these kinds of questions. As I?ve said elsewhere, for an ethnographer like me, the problem with the future is that there is no way to study it. So such future imaginings really are just speculation and say much more about the anxieties of the present. But with that in mind, my ideal future is one where we find production models that support editors and journals in a sufficient manner, but under a gold OA model where our content is freely available and our place on the national and international stage continues to grow. I don?t have an easy way to get there, because my ideal future is one where editors are paid for their work. I emphasize this not just because labor should be remunerated, but because many talented potential editors work in institutions where they can get only minimal support for being an editor. If they had support to buy themselves out of teaching, for instance, this would open the world of editing to a greater presence of those outside major research universities.

I feel bad that I don?t have easy answers or perfect solutions to the problem of how we can successfully shift to a gold OA model. But what I?d like to leave people with is, first, a sense of the fact that some great people have been working for OA for years now, and we should continue to listen to them, learn from them, support them. Second, I set forth the hypothesis that the reason we have not been able to successfully move to a gold OA model is not that it is unworkable, but that we just have not been able to have sufficient conversations and advocacy to discover that viable path forward. I dearly hope that hypothesis is correct!

RA: Ok, I lied. I have one more question, and it?s a lot more grounded than the last one: What?s the next step we need to take to keep moving these conversations forward?

TB: There is a new AAA interest group around OA, the Digital Anthropology Group. We should support this group and get the most diverse set of voices possible involved in it. And we should keep having these kinds of conversations, and above all be gentle with each other. With our fellow anthropologists, with W-B and AAA staff. I have less and less patience for the quick comfort of donning a white hat and placing the black hat on others. If there was an easy answer we would have found it by now. But that does not mean that no answer is out there, not by a long shot.

RA: I definitely agree with you there! I think that?s a good place to leave things for now. Thanks, Tom, for taking the time to do this interview!


If you have any thoughts you would like to share or questions you would like to ask after reading through this interview, we are going to do a follow-up post and address all questions on September 15. Feel free to ask anything! So check out the interview, post your comments, ask questions, and check back in a couple weeks for the follow-up!

Ryan Anderson is a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Kentucky. His dissertation research focuses on the politics of tourism development in Baja California Sur. He is the editor of the collaborative online project anthropologies, and also blogs at ethnografix.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Detroit Lions versus Oakland Raiders Pick Prediction NFL Pro Football Pointspread Over Under Money Line Betting Odds Preview 8-25-2012

Published on August 23, 2012 by admin ????? No Comments

The Detroit Lions will make the long road trip out west as they face the Oakland Raiders in an NFL week three preseason game on Saturday night.

Kick off time from Oakland is scheduled for 7PM Eastern Time with national tape delayed television coverage provided by the NFL Network at 11PM Eastern Time on Sunday.



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The odds opened up in this NFL exhibition at a pick with a total of 41 points. The money early has shown on the road team as the Detroit Lions are now favored by -3 points. The total has moved up three full points to a current total of 44 points.

Detroit Lions money line bettors will lay -150 odds with the return on the home underdog Oakland at +130 odds to post the straight up win with no need for getting the points.

The Lions went to 1-1 in the preseason following their 27-12 road win last week to the Baltimore Ravens as a +3 point road underdog. The total went under 39 ? points.

Quarterback Matthew Stafford started and had a good performance hitting on 12 of 17 passes for 184 yards and two touchdowns. Veteran backup Shaun Hill saw work and hit on 7 of 13 for 61 yards. Boise St rookie Kellen Moore entered in the second half and threw for 96 yards hitting on 10 of 15 passes.

Stephfon Green led the team in rushing with 92 yards on six carries and a touchdown. Calvin Johnson led the receiving corps with five receptions for 111 yards and a touchdown catch.

The Lions defense allowed Baltimore 343 offensive yards with 221 yards coming from their passing game.

The Raiders are searching for their first preseason win after losing to Arizona last week 31-27 as a +4 ? point road underdog. The total went over 37 points.

Carson Palmer was under center and hit on 13 of 24 from the field for 107 yards and an interception. Backup Matt Leinart threw for 66 yards hitting on 5o f 8 passes.

Lonyae Miller rushed it 15 times for 54 yards and a touchdown. Rod Streater led the Raiders with seven receptions for 43 yards.

Oakland limited Arizona to 222 offensive yards with just 95 yards coming from their passing game.

NFL Trend: Oakland Raiders are 0-2 straight up in the preseason.

The Pick: The winning Detroit Lions versus Oakland Raiders NFL pick is available free right now to all callers to Tony?s Courtesy line by dialing 1-888-711-4311.

For the Latest NFL Odds Please Visit our NFL Odds Page

Recommended Reading

Tags: Detroit Lions versus Oakland Raiders, NFL Pro Football Pointspread Over Under Money Line Betting Odds Preview 8-25-2012, Pick Prediction

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Padcaster SLR lens mount for iPad now available: priced at $149 or $189 for Lenscaster combo

Padcaster SLR lens mount for iPad now available: priced at $149 or $189 for Lenscaster combo

Those who were quite amused by the revelation of that Padcaster back at this year's NAB might want to start prepping their wallets, as the creator's announced it's now shipping the filmmaking iPad companion. Notably, during our first encounter with the Padcatser, we were told it'd be selling for "about $200" once it was released -- but, as it turns out, the SLR lens-mounting peripheral is being priced at a decent $149, while $40 more gets you the Padcaster / Lenscaster combo. That being said, it's also worth noting the company's dubbing this as a "special pricing" and for "a limited time only," with no word on when such promo will be running out. Either way, you can grab one now at the source link below, though it appears you'll have to wait between 2-4 weeks for it to show up at your lovely doorstep.

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Padcaster SLR lens mount for iPad now available: priced at $149 or $189 for Lenscaster combo originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:58:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

International Entertainment News: Wolf Trap's Innovative Artistic ...

Wolf Trap's Innovative Artistic Series Pushes Boundaries, Creating New Experiences for National Parks, Artists, and Audiences

Face of America: Spirit of South Florida Celebrates Unique Landscapes and Cultures as Dancers Perform on "Natural Stage" in the Swamps of the Everglades in World Premiere at Wolf Trap on September 8

"The arts and our National Parks tell the story of who we are as a people" - Pedro Ramos, Superintendent, Big Cypress National Preserve

VIENNA, Va., Aug. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts will premiere Face of America: Spirit of South Florida on September 8 for one night only in its seventh installment of the world renowned series, which showcases the harmony between artistic expression and our country's natural treasures. Face of America: Spirit of South Florida uses the performing arts to explore the unique landscapes and the diverse cultures of Biscayne National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve, Dry Tortugas National Park and Everglades National Park.

To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please visit:



Wolf Trap Foundation commissioned renowned choreographer, David Parsons to create an original work that will portray the essence of the parks. Parsons Dance will perform live on stage at Wolf Trap to the live music of Miami's Cuban-American, timpa band, Tiempo Libre, and the recorded music of Andrew Bird - taking audiences on an unparalleled artistic adventure through South Florida.

The special evening combines live dance and music, together with HD video of Parsons' dancers filmed on-location in the Parks projected on an enormous HD screen at the 7,000-seat Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. From the swamps of the Everglades, to the aquamarine waters of the Biscayne Bay, to the celebration of freedom at Fort Jefferson...audiences will be taken on an artistic journey through the National Parks of South Florida in a "first" for both dancers and the Parks in this multimedia/live performance adventure.

What makes Face of America: Spirit of South Florida unique?

-- Take an inimitable journey through one of the world's largest ecosystems
featuring innovative dance from internationally acclaimed Parsons Dance,
live on-stage;
-- Experience stunning visuals of Parks and the original, Wolf Trap
commissioned dance works filmed on-location in each park by renowned
producers Blue Land Media;
-- Absorb an unforgettable soundtrack highlighted by a live performance
from GRAMMY-nominated, Cuban-American timba band Tiempo Libre and
recorded music from multi-instrumentalist Andrew Bird;
-- Witness dancers interpreting the movement patterns of iconic wildlife
(alligators, spoonbill, anhinga, egret birds; and fish);
-- Learn of the recreation available in the wilderness and on the water,
just a few miles from Miami;
-- Identify with the resilient spirit of a population that overcomes the
devastating effects of hurricanes and celebrate an island park that
welcomes Cuban refugees onto American soil
"We are thrilled to partner with the National Parks in South Florida to shine a light on the many different faces of these special lands--from the diverse people of the region to the varied wildlife to the critical preservation elements. There is so much rich culture here and we think the arts can bring that out in a very unique and meaningful way," said Terrence Jones, Wolf Trap's President and CEO, and creator of Face of America.

Face of America: Spirit of South Florida will premiere on September 8, 2012 at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, 1551 Trap Road, Vienna, VA 22182. In keeping with Wolf Trap's mission to keep the arts accessible to the broadest possible audience, prices for this world premiere performance range from $15-$40. For tickets, visit

Face of America: Spirit of South Florida represents Wolf Trap's seventh( )installment of its signature performance series

Previous Face of America performances include:

-- Face of America: Yosemite National Park
-- Face of America: Virgin Islands National Park
-- Face of America: Mammoth Cave National Park
-- Face of America: A Celebration of Flight
-- Face of America: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park
-- Face of America: Glacier National Park
Video/photo assets:

View a high energy montage of clips from Face of America: Spirit of South Florida at

View our 30 second TV spot at

View Face of America photos in our newsoom at

Past performances were featured in a 90-minute PBS Great Performances special, titled "Dance in America, Wolf Trap's Face of America(TM)" showcasing the series and available online at

To learn more about Wolf Trap's Face of America series, please visit:

SOURCE Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts

Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts

CONTACT: Graham Binder, +1-703-255-1917,, or Lisa L. LaCamera, +1-703-255-1997,; Camille Cintron, +1-703-255-4096,

Web Site:

Profile: intent


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Relationships Die In Indifference - Personal Writings Of Love

Many people assume once they fall in love, that love will always last. But divorce statistics and other breakups?tell us otherwise.

If we want?an intimate relationship to last, we?must treat?it like a rose garden by giving it an abundance of love, tenderness?and attention. A rose?garden that is well nurtured?will?blossom year after year?into beautiful roses?whose colors and?scents offer a little touch of heaven to anyone fortunate enough to be near that garden.

But neglect that rose garden and gradually it will die, all of its former?beauty just a memory, while?its discolored?thorns remain. The equivalent in relationships is to take the other person for granted and to forget to practice the loving?acts of kindness and attention that originally?attracted them. Add in some abuse and the relationship will evolve into little more than discolored?thorns.

There is nothing greater in life than love, as it uplifts our heart and our spirits for it is a celebration of life?and?therefore there is?nothing more meaningful and?deserving of our time and devotion.



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Sunday, August 19, 2012

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Friday, August 17, 2012

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

What You Absolutely Must Know About Video Games - Consumer ...

Think about subscribing to one video game magazine. This is especially helpful if you aren?t sure what kinds of games are out there. There are games for every interest, and a magazine can help highlight some you would be interested in. That will save you hours in the store looking for what you want.

To improve your overall gaming performance, take a few minutes to adjust the settings on your game. Although most games come with default settings for the average user, tweaking these settings can help you score more points and enhance your play. Don?t forget to make further adjustments as you become better at the game.

If you do most of your gaming on a personal computer, you can save a lot of money by staying a little bit behind the cutting edge. It can actually be a blessing to have a computer that?s not powerful enough to play the newest, latest games. This allows you to focus on older titles that are usually sold at significant discounts.

When looking to play online games, make sure you know the costs involved. Many of the popular games online require an initial monthly fee to play. It can get costly and extra packs to help boost your gaming experience cost money too. Either have a solid budget in mind or find a cost effective game to play.

Invest in a rechargeable battery for your wireless gaming controller. You can buy rechargeable power supplies for any controller. If you intend to play video games regularly, you will be eating through a small fortune in the batteries used to run your controllers. A rechargeable battery can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Some of the most popular video games available today are role-playing games with truly astonishing depth and complexity. In order to get the most out of these kinds of games, don?t hesitate to take notes on what you?ve done and what you intend to do. This can be especially handy if your opportunities to sit down and play come few and far between. Your notes will remind you of where you?re going next.

If you are having trouble seeing important details in your video game, adjust the brightness. Video game designers often want to set a mood in their games, but that mood comes with the price that important puzzle pieces may be missed in the dimness. Take back the control a bit by boosting that brightness in the settings area.

Play in single player mode first. If you find you struggle through this mode, don?t bother with multiplayer or online versions as they?ll be significantly harder. If it?s a really hard game for you, trade it in towards something you?ll be better able to play. Don?t waste time on futile situations!

When you find a video online, copy it exactly. Try to do everything in exactly the same manner as sometimes even a small deviation can be what is holding you back. Zoom the video to fullscreen to ensure you see every detail as even a small detail can mean the difference between victory or failure.

Hold off on buying PC games until you know more about your purchase. PC games involve the use of serial numbers. These serial numbers can only be used once, rendering used PC games worthless in many instances. Because of this, PC games are notoriously difficult to return if you do not enjoy them.

For a cheaper way to enjoy great video games, look into ?classic? games. These titles are years (or even decades) old, but they?ve been upgraded to run on modern computers and consoles. They?re usually quite affordable and usually very beloved. When a game stands the test of time, you can be fairly certain that it has considerable quality.

To make video games more fun, try experimenting with multi-player options with your friends and family. Playing video games on your own can be very enjoyable, however, playing with friends and family can make video games a lot more exciting. Nowadays, most video games come with a wide range of different multi-player options.

Even though everyone says that practice makes perfect, it does not mean that you have to do it all day long. As with everything that you do in life, you also need time to just step away and regroup. So play for a bit and then just step away and take a break.

Video games come in an assortment of genres, so it is essential to know what kind you or a loved one likes before buying them. Normally the salesmen at the retail stores can help you, but it also helps a lot to do some prior research on websites as well as read reviews.

As you have now learned from reading this article, video games are hear to stay. There are plenty of reasons to play them, and there are even some reasons not to. Be sure that you take the advice in this article if you plan on getting into video games any time soon.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Scientists plot driving routes for new Mars rover

This image provided by NASA shows the Gale Crater Martian landing site for the Curiosity Mars rover. The Gale Crater is approximately the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. The image was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. (AP Photo/NASA)

This image provided by NASA shows the Gale Crater Martian landing site for the Curiosity Mars rover. The Gale Crater is approximately the size of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. The image was taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. (AP Photo/NASA)

In this photo released by NASA Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012, A color-enhanced view, taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as the satellite flew overhead, shows the terrain around the rover's landing site within Gale Crater on Mars. Colors were enhanced to bring out subtle differences, showing that the landing region is not as colorful as regions to the south, closer to Mount Sharp, where Curiosity will eventually explore. (AP Photo/NASA)

In this photo released by NASA Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012, A crisp view from inside Gale Crater shows a 360-degree, full-resolution panorama from NASA's Curiosity rover shows the area all around the rover within Gale Crater on Mars. The rover's deck is to the left and far right. The rover's "head" or mast, where the Navigation cameras that took this picture are located, casts a shadow seen near the center. The rim of Gale Crater is to the left, and the base of Mount Sharp is to the center-right. (AP Photo/NASA)

(AP) ? NASA's newest rover Curiosity has yet to make its first move on Mars, but scientists said Tuesday they are already mapping out possible driving routes to a Martian mountain.

Since landing in Gale Crater near the equator last week, the nuclear-powered rover has been busy getting a head-to-wheel health checkup while parked. It touched down about 5 miles from Mount Sharp where signatures of past water have been spotted at the base.

Its ultimate goal is to scale the lower slopes in search of the chemical building blocks of life to determine whether the environment was favorable for microbial life.

The team is "kind of itching to move at this point," said deputy project scientist Ashwin Vasavada of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which manages the $2.5 billion mission.

Scientists have been poring over pictures of the landing site snapped by Curiosity and spacecraft circling overhead. The pebble-strewn terrain where the rover landed appeared easy to traverse but the landscape gets more rugged the closer to Mount Sharp.

The team identified half a dozen potential paths through buttes and mesas that are reminiscent of the southwestern United States. Vasavada estimated it'll take a year to make the trip to the mountain driving about the length of a football field a day. Along the way, the six-wheel rover will make pit stops to study interesting rocks and scoop up soil.

Before Curiosity can explore, it has to go through a laborious check of its tools and systems. As the most complex spacecraft sent to Mars, it landed using a novel routine that involved lowering it to the surface by cables.

It just completed an upgrade to its computers and planned to take its first, albeit short, test drive in several days. Engineers still have to test the rover's robotic arm and drill later this month before giving the keys to scientists.

"We're trying to just keep our eyes on the prize and finish these checkouts and then get going," said Vasavada.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Should Your Office Install HP LTO3 Tape Storage System?

Here at Odsi we're more than a competitive online reseller of brand name tape media. We focus on all of the things that are of interest to our customers, not only in saving you money but also in saving you time.

View all articles by Mark Paul The need for backing up data is present for most of the businesses of this modern age. Some businesses require mediums of backup technology that can support high amounts of data whereas some require mediums to cater to small amounts of information. The difficult arises for businesses that process moderate amounts of information and desire a tape for backup with moderate data storage needs. Finding a tape with moderate storage capacity is one of the most difficult things to do.

Most brands try to target large scale organizations for their products, because that is more profitable. However, Hewlett-Packard is one brand that thinks a little differently. The brand has its core the objective to bring innovative technology to all those who desire it and this even include medium sized businesses. HP LTO 3 backup tape is the perfect example of such policy.
Hewlett-Packard has a large customer base not only in United States of America but all over the world. Consumer of HP?s products are all types of businesses, financial institutions, public organizations as well as individuals; all these categories of consumers have voted for HP as the most innovative and reliable brand for technical equipment.

Not to forget, price is also the dominant reason behind HP?s brand loyalty. HP LTO3 tape provides a raw data storage capacity of 400 GB. Like most mediums of backup technology the tape allows for compression which in turn enhances the storage capacity to 800 GB. The processing speed of the tape varies for native and compressed data. For compressed data the speed is 160 Megabytes? per second whereas for native data it is 80 Megabytes? per second.

This LTO3 ultrium tape possesses all the characteristics of the latest ultrium technology as well as features that are exclusive to HP products. An example of such exclusive features includes an active in-house head cleaning. This cleaning feature ensures that the maintenance cost of the tape is reduced. When the tape is cleaned on its own there is little to no need to spend extra money on the maintenance of the tape. Other than the self cleaning method also ensures that the tape functions successfully for its useful life. The Long life and superior maintenance capacities of the tape enhance its reliability.

HP LTO 3 tape system also comes with backwards technology, which means, if your business has installed an earlier version of Linear Tape Open technology such as LTO1 or LTO 2 then you can easily upgrade it to LTO 3. The tape can also read and write data from the older generations of Linear Tape Open Technology.? Having said much about the primary benefits of the tape it is important to discuss the secondary benefits as well. The size of the tape is very compact which means it generates more shelf and office space. We all know that space is of crucial importance in offices. Lastly the lower price of the tape does not infringe any extra burden on the limited budget of the office.

Business enterprises trust that is well-renowned for the exquisite range of tape media products. So all of your storage needs can be cost efficiently fulfilled with our high quality backup products. Mark Paul Online Digital Solutions LLC, 39 Southend Road, East Ham London E62AL Tel: 0203 005 9500 Email:




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Sen. Shaheen promotes trade between NH, Canada

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) ? The border between New Hampshire and Canada is just 58 miles long, but officials attending a trade conference Monday said there are millions of reasons why the neighbors should improve and expand their economic relationship.

Organized by the New Hampshire-Canada Trade Council, the "Talk Trade, Take Action" conference included sessions on trade opportunities in the areas of education, energy, manufacturing, public-private partnerships and women's entrepreneurship.

In opening remarks, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen said New Hampshire sold nearly $650 million worth of goods to Canada in 2011. She said about 40,000 jobs in New Hampshire depend on U.S.-Canada trade, including about 4,600 workers at 48 Canadian-owned companies in the state.

"The ties between New Hampshire and Canada really represent a symbiotic relationship," she said. "We have to continue to invest and work hard to promote this relationship. The trade partnership didn't happen overnight, and it's not come easy. Businesses and entrepreneurs on both sides have worked hard to develop markets, sell products and attract investment, and there have been policymakers who've worked hard to promote the relationship."

As governor, Shaheen led a trade mission to Canada shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and was touched by the outpouring of support from Canadians.

"That trip was a real demonstration of how vital it was to get back to business with our Canadian counterparts," she said.

As senator, she has attended an international security forum in Halifax, where she has met with business leaders to promote trade.

The group also heard from Patrick Binns, Consul General of Canada to New England, who said the Canadian government's recent plan to spend more on innovation, investment and education could pay off for New Hampshire businesses. For the first time, about $400 million has been earmarked for venture capital initiatives, he said.

"One thing Canada has been very good at in the past is doing the research and development, but not so good at supporting firms when it comes to finding the money they need to actually implement those ideas they researched," Binns said. "Money is not just for Canadian firms, it's for partnerships ... and many of those partnerships are with America."


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Monday, August 13, 2012

Differences in the genomes of related plant pathogens

ScienceDaily (Aug. 12, 2012) ? Even in closely-related species, life-style moulds the genetic make-up of pathogens and how their genes are used.

Many crop plants worldwide are attacked by a group of fungi that numbers more than 680 different species. After initial invasion, they first grow stealthily inside living plant cells, but then switch to a highly destructive life-style, feeding on dead cells. While some species switch completely to host destruction, others maintain stealthy and destructive modes simultaneously. A team of scientists led by Richard O'Connell from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne and Lisa Vaillancourt from University of Kentucky in Lexington have investigated the genetic basis for these two strategies. The researchers found that pathogen life-style has moulded the composition of these fungal genomes and determines when particular genes are switched on. They also discovered surprising new functions for fungal infection organs.

Colletotrichum fungi cause rots and leaf spot diseases which are spread by wind and rain splash. They cause devastating economic losses on food and biofuel crops running into billions of euros each year. While some species attack many different plants, others are highly selective and attack just one host plant. The two species investigated by O'Connell and his colleagues differ in their life-style and their host specificity. One species preferentially attacks crucifers, including thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), a model plant important for biologists. Within just a few hours, this pathogen switches its metabolism towards the complete destruction of the plant cells. For this fungus, benign coexistence and massive destruction are separated in time. The other species studied is specifically adapted to maize. In one part of the plant it produces proteins to promote symptomless coexistence, while elsewhere it produces proteins to break-down and digest plant cells. In this case, the two life-styles are spatially separated.

The strength of this work, published in Nature Genetics, is that the researchers analysed both the genome and transcriptome of these two fungi. "The transcriptome reveals which genes are switched on and when. Several other fungal genomes have already been decoded, but never with such detailed information about if and when each gene is used during plant infection," says O'Connell. For example, both genomes have similar numbers of genes for hemicellulase enzymes, with which the plant cell wall is decomposed. However, the maize fungus switches on many more of these genes because the cell walls of maize contain more hemicellulose than do plants attacked by the Arabidopsis fungus. "This difference could not have been identified simply from cataloguing the numbers of such genes in the genome: transcriptome data are essential to obtain this information," explains O'Connell.

The genomes of the two pathogens are similar in size, but the Arabidopsis fungus accommodates more genes in its genome, probably as a result of its broader host range. A pathogen that attacks a single plant requires fewer genes than one which colonizes many different plants. This is especially true for "effector" genes, which are required by the fungus to protect itself from the plant's defense responses. Both fungi have remarkably large numbers of genes for producing secondary metabolites, which are small molecules with potential roles during infection. "We are not aware of any other phytopathogenic fungi that produce so many secondary metabolites," says Jochen Kleemann who, together with other colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, was also involved the study. "The genes for these products are switched on very early on during infection and are therefore potential targets for plant protection. But first we need to understand more about the functions of these molecules," continues Kleemann.

The scientists also discovered previously unknown functions of the fungal adhesion organ, the appressorium. The appressorium is formed after a fungal spore lands on the leaf surface and builds up a high pressure, with which the fungus pushes itself into the interior of the plant cell, like a finger into an inflated balloon. "On a leaf, the adhesion organ switches on completely different genes than when it is located on a plastic surface. It must in some way recognize where it is," says O'Connell. The adhesion organ would thus appear not only to open the door into the plant cell, but also to sense the presence of the plant. "Appressoria were discovered almost 130 years ago, but it is only from our research that it has become clear that they also have a sensing function," says Kleemann.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Richard J O'Connell, Michael R Thon, St?phane Hacquard, Stefan G Amyotte, Jochen Kleemann, Maria F Torres, Ulrike Damm, Ester A Buiate, Lynn Epstein, Noam Alkan, Janine Altm?ller, Lucia Alvarado-Balderrama, Christopher A Bauser, Christian Becker, Bruce W Birren, Zehua Chen, Jaeyoung Choi, Jo Anne Crouch, Jonathan P Duvick, Mark A Farman, Pamela Gan, David Heiman, Bernard Henrissat, Richard J Howard, Mehdi Kabbage, Christian Koch, Barbara Kracher, Yasuyuki Kubo, Audrey D Law, Marc-Henri Lebrun, Yong-Hwan Lee, Itay Miyara, Neil Moore, Ulla Neumann, Karl Nordstr?m, Daniel G Panaccione, Ralph Panstruga, Michael Place, Robert H Proctor, Dov Prusky, Gabriel Rech, Richard Reinhardt, Jeffrey A Rollins, Steve Rounsley, Christopher L Schardl, David C Schwartz, Narmada Shenoy, Ken Shirasu, Usha R Sikhakolli, Kurt St?ber, Serenella A Sukno, James A Sweigard, Yoshitaka Takano, Hiroyuki Takahara, Frances Trail, H Charlotte van der Does, Lars M Voll, Isa Will, Sarah Young, Qiandong Zeng, Jingze Zhang, Shiguo Zhou, Martin B Dickman, Paul Schulze-Lefert, Emiel Ver Loren van Themaat, Li-Jun Ma, Lisa J Vaillancourt. Lifestyle transitions in plant pathogenic Colletotrichum fungi deciphered by genome and transcriptome analyses. Nature Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/ng.2372

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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