Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Daily Kos: The Grieving Room: Birthdays, Anniversaries and Special ...

My sister's birthday is this week. ?Most would usually say, "She would have been 52 years old" but I prefer to say, "She was born 52 years ago."

She died 7 months ago. ?On what my mother now calls her 'Death Day"

My family was not much into celebrating birthdays. ?Not like my husband's family, when extended members come over for a huge party. ?We had the choice of dinner, and a few friends over for cake and ice cream. ?And of course, presents.

But the exception was my sister. ?The only summer baby, plus the unique birthday (8/8/60) made for a good mid summer party. ?I remember the great time we had when she turned 8. ?That was a party to end all parties- me being ready to turn 15 the next month- well, that was my first 'drunk'. ?Ugh- the memory still makes me shudder.

As we all grew into adulthood, our birthdays faded as we made way for the next generation. ?Again- except for my sister. As another sister said, "As long as her birthday is in August- she will have a party.

And now- what do we do? ? We just celebrated my other sister's first grandchild's first birthday last month. ?That was fun, and at the party we spoke about what to do for August. ?Remembering all the fun and drama (oh yeah- there was always family drama) at these parties, I think I will miss them just as much as I miss my sister. ?

On my parents' anniversary, I did for my mother what my husband's family did for his. ?I sent my mother a dozen roses, just like my father did, with a card that read, "Thinking of you on this special day."

My mother called me and confessed that she never really cared for roses but didn't have the heart to tell Dad. ?Oh well- so much for good intentions.

How have you acknowledged the birthday of your dear departed loved one? ?A friend told me they bring out all the old home movies and laugh and remember the good times and cry and remember the loss. ?"It's very cathartic" she said.

Happy Birthday, dear sister.

I have new meaning now for that after thought- "And many more.

Source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/06/1117431/-The-Grieving-Room-Birthdays-Anniversaries-and-Special-Occasions

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