Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hangin' with our besties. Good spirits for the kids and ?other spirits ...

It?s been a while since I?ve hung out on my back patio with my girl June Cleaver so when we were blessed with a beautiful fall and sunny day, we took advantage.

It used to be that we would get our kids together and we would hang while they played. But, lately we?re both so busy with life, work, kids, etc., it?s been a good while since we?ve hung out on my back porch. Back porch hangin? is one of my favorite things to do at my house.

And typically, when we get together, there?s usually food and spirits involved. And no, I?m not talking about Halloween spirits or dead spirits.

I?m talking good energy AND wine spirits. Knowing nothing about wine other than yeah, I can drink that or bleh, this tastes like ass, I bought these two bottles based on the recommendation of the store. That and I love both the names of the wines: Bliss and The Velvet Devil. (And I ended up liking both.)

You may also notice in the picture are my dad?s famous eggrolls and next to the eggrolls is a piece of ?sweet deliciousness made by June?called a magic cookie bar. It?s to die for. I only had 3, maybe 4 or 5, pieces. The magic comes in when all of a sudden, they disappear.

Mercedes is hangin? with us but she?s the only kid allowed to while we do. The other kids sometimes come up to us and want to hang around us or talk to us but we shoo them off quite quickly. We tell them we got them together so that THEY could hang out and so that the ADULTS can hang out.

It?s the same way when we?re at Starbucks with the kids. They try to sit at the table with us and I?m like, ?Oh no! Ya?ll go sit at yo OWN table!? I?m just straight up like that with my kids. The kids know we love them but they also know that we want our own time. I think everyone needs a dose of healthy selfishness.

After a while, I go switch out my Mercedes for my Benz. Benz had been napping at my parent?s house so I run over there and give my parents Mercedes and bring back Benz. One at a time is much easier yo and I?m super lucky that my parents are just around the corner.

Look at this gorgeous Mommy/Daughter Duo.

I love that the girls have been best friends since they were around 5 years old. It?s so great to see them grow up together.

I?ve noticed that when you have kids and they want to get together all the time, it so much easier when you?re also great friends with their Mommy. Otherwise, I don?t know how often they would actually get to see each other.

As it got dark, we moved to the front yard. Benz wanted to play with the hose (which his Dad introduced him to) and after the girls turned it on for him, they were his target.

It was such a perfect, gorgeous day and we ended up hanging out all day and into the night. It was SO great?some much needed time between besties.

-Jane, Back Porch Junkie.

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Hangin' with our besties. Good spirits for the kids and "other spirits" for the adults., 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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